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Kell West Orthopedic & Spine 

5420 Kell West Blvd.     Wichita Falls, TX 76310

Kell West Orthopedic & Spine at Kell West Regional Hospital offers state-of-the-art treatment in orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery and spine surgery—all in a unique patient-centered environment, that's close to home.


The experienced medical staff provides a wide range of treatments that are customized to meet your unique needs. Our surgeons are highly experienced, board certified, and will coordinate your care with colleagues across departments, including pain management, sports medicine, physical therapy, and neurosurgery.


At Kell West Orthopedic & Spine, we specialize in the treatment of orthopedic conditions, including shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle, and foot conditions as well as neurosurgical conditions including reconstructive procedures of the spine and intercerebral surgery treating aneurysms and tumors.


Kell West Orthopedic & Spine was the first to obtain the MAKOplasty Robot with the newly formed Stryker-MAKO division of Stryker. The robotic experience of our knee and hip surgeons sets TOSI surgeons apart from most other Orthopedic surgeons across the United States.


Kell West Orthopedic & Spine's neurosurgeons perform routine as well as complex reconstructions of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spines. They are accomplished neurosurgeons performing neurosurgery at Kell West Regional Hospital.


 Kell West Regional Hospital has a full compliment of experienced Physical Therapists, specializing in the post operative care of joint and spine reconstructive patients. This is a critical component in expediting recovery of our joint and spine patients. 

Dr. Steve Wilson

Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. Yogish Kamath


Dr. Brandon Perez

Orthopedic Surgeon


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Dr. Michael Sheen
Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. Michael Hames

Orthopedic Surgeon


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Dr. Joshua Schacter
Orthopedic Surgeon

© Kell West Regional Hospital 5420 Kell Blvd. Wichita Falls, TX 76310 940-692-5888​

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